Overwhelmed, Overloaded, OVER IT!
Our feelings are part of our nature and, contrary to popular knowledge, are preceded by a thought. To ignore or to be overtaken by either thought or emotion is not physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually healthy. Instead we can choose to recognize another truth -that there is a place deep within us that knows, that has answers, that can push back against those thoughts that trigger the alarm of our feelings. And we can access this place within by taking the first step of BEING PRESENT:
Get to a quiet place
Take 3-5 deep cleansing breaths (inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth)
Be a Witness to your thoughts as they scroll through your mind’s eye.
Notice the thoughts that come up without judging or attaching to them. Just be the Witness and keep taking slow and deep breaths.
If you find your mind getting snagged and drawn in by one particular thought, just notice and allow it to float away or pass by so you can become the Witness again. Continue to take deep, steady breaths.
REMEMBER we are practicing, which happens in the present moment. So, in this case, practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes BEING. Give yourself the gift of self compassion when practicing. Withhold judgement about what you think you should be thinking, feeling, doing, or even accomplishing with your practice. You will notice the difference when it counts!
This is only the FIRST STEP in processing through any emotion you may experience.
Continue along the journey by CLICKING ON THE EMOTIONS that have been a challenge for you.