I Lovingly Choose Myself

Do you find that you are more confident in what you can do than in who you are? Is your inner dialogue usually repeating “I DO therefore I AM?”

In our society it is routine to identify the roles we play and explain what we do when asked to describe ourselves.  This causes us to base our self worth on our careers/salaries, our homes, our possessions, our marital status, whether or not we have children, and the list goes on.

We can get so caught up in doing one more thing, even when our time is limited. We answer one more call or email, even though we are tired and need to go to bed... We complete one more file even though our screen time exceeds 8 hours. Instead let’s make every effort to honor the 1st affirmation in my e-book,


But what exactly does choosing yourself look like?

Here are a few examples:

  1. Putting yourself at THEE top of your own list. And although this may be viewed as selfish, we can apply the flight attendant’s instructions to our daily lives -  we must put the mask on ourselves before we help someone else.

  2. Beginning your day by being quiet and still. And if it can’t be the morning, schedule and stick to a specified time during the day.

  3. Nurturing the love relationship you have with yourself.  Find out what your love language is and give to yourself in that fashion.   

When you take the time to BE, then and only then can you DO for your family and/or take on the WORLD (IF you want to).  

How can you choose yourself this week?

This information is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.

Balancing the Root Chakra

Chakras are energy centers that are present in our bodies. There are 7 that are connected to our mental well being and they are located along our spine.  This week we will focus on the root chakra.  It is located at our tailbone, represented by the color red, its element is earth and its issue is survival. 

Our life experiences can throw our root chakra out of balance causing it’s energy to become deficient or excessive.  When we lack stability, we may become fearful, detached from feelings, and neglect our own self care.  When we feel excessively stable we may be rigid and stuck in our routines, lack spiritual connection and be obsessed with financial gains. A person who’s root chakra is balanced can adapt to life’s situations, as well as establish routines without being rigid.  

Understanding that you belong and have purpose  in this world is your first step in balancing your root chakra.  Joining me in a couple grounding yoga poses and affirmations is your next step…. 

Valuable Online Resources

For resources to begin your journey towards balance and harmony, visit my online shop for my e-book and affirmations.